
Zyxware default image1
| 1 min read
A Drupal website can be improved with lessened rate of defects and increased usability, when quality assurance is well implemented. Once you validate your Drupal site against the following checkpoints, you can assure a quick remedy for any glitches or compatibility issues that might occur: Quality Assurance
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| 4 min read
The success of a website depends on many aspects, its maintenance being the most crucial. Only a well maintained website will have a vibrant impact on the visitors. The below checklist helps you ensure that your Drupal website is well oiled time to time. Backups and Maintenance
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| 2 min read
Have you ever thought about the security of your Drupal website on the web? If not, it’s high time you did that. Either be the case, here’s a simple checklist to make sure you have the essentials ready:
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| 2 min read
You have your new Drupal site all ready for take off. You just want to make sure you have everything well in place. Here is a little checklist for you to make sure you have the essentials ready. In this part of the checklist series, we look at the important performance related essentials for a Drupal website, so that your site is ready to receive the multitudes it oughta get. These will help you ensure that your site will sail smooth in times of high traffic.
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| 4 min read
To ensure the security of confidential data in your Drupal site, testing has to be done to determine whether it protects its data and at the same time maintains its functionality. Web applications are always prone to unauthorized access to or modification of sensitive information. The testing done on the applications to remove such anomalies is called security testing. The following are some of the test cases for assuring the security of a Drupal website Authentication
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| 4 min read
The Drupal Menu System handles both the navigational system (visible menus and links) as well as the Drupal callbacks in the back end. The menu links listed on the header of a Drupal site is normally the primary menu or the secondary menu. These menus are sets of static links that you create via the Drupal admin interface. However sometimes it is useful to have a login / logout link in the primary or the secondary menu depending on whether the user is logged out or logged in. Here is how you add this.
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| 3 min read
Drupal is supposed to be a very secure CMS and the Drupal security team is a highly efficient team of people scouting the Drupal camp to find and sort out security issues as soon as they crop up. But no amount of programming will fix security issues caused by incorrect configuration of a Drupal site. Here is a checklist of items that you have to confirm after you deploy a new Drupal installation.
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| 5 min read
Running Drupal on a shared hosting environment could become a challenge when the site starts getting a lot of visitors. So f you run your Drupal installation on one of the shared hosting providers like GoDaddy, Hostgator, Dreamhost etc and your site is reasonably popular then it is likely that you would have run into performance issues if the site is not configured correctly. If you configure your Drupal site correctly you should be able to stick with shared hosting for a longer period of time before moving on to dedicated hosting.
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| 1 min read
WP e-Commerce WP e-Commerce is a free WordPress Shopping Cart Plugin that lets customers buy your products, services and digital downloads online. Ubercart is the popular tool for ecommerce applications in Drupal. It is a superior e-commerce solution available when compared to the wordpress equivalent and has tons of features.
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| 3 min read
WP-Super Cache WP-Super Cache is a Wordpress plugin that generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After a html file is generated your webserver will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts. Boost is the popular alternative in Drupal for static page caching.
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| 1 min read
Simple Tags Simple Tags add some tools for taxonomies like Terms suggestion, Mass Edit Terms, Auto link Terms, Ajax Autocompletion, Click Terms, Auto terms, Advanced manage term In Drupal: By default Drupal taxonomies support tags with auto-complete option. Other features like tagcloud and manage tags can be done using the