A comma-separated values (CSV) file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain-text form. A CSV file have of number of records, separated by line breaks; fields in each record separated by some other character or string, usually a comma or tab. All records have an identical sequence of fields.
Drupal Technical
A feature is a set of Drupal entities, taken together to satisfy a certain use-case. A Drupal Module 'features' is used to create custom features. Let us check how to create a custom feature.
Entity Field query in Drupal 7 is the querying technique used in the Drupal to cut short the huge queries. It is like an ORM(object relation mapping) technique like doctrine. Let us go through the entity Field querying methods.
For our Drupal site, a requirement were to use Facebook connect module and legal module. Once enabling both the modules and adding legal condition, Facebook connect module let us to login through Facebook on our Drupal site.
Altering a query is to change the results as desired by the user. hook__views_query_alter() in Drupal is for altering the query. Before start reading, you should have an idea about what is a view and how views created? See here.
Altering a form means adding or change any forms in a module. In Drupal 7 form alter could be done using the function hook_form_alter()
Being a fresher to Drupal, your first step is to focus on the Coding Standards In Drupal 7. Drupal community is very serious about coding standards. Entire source code should follow the current standards, regardless of the (core) version.
Article will be explaining how to create a Pop up using the colorbox module for our Drupal website. There are certain circumstances were we need to popup blocks to display messages, images, videos etc.
My need was to display a text message on focus out from a particular field inside a content type. Steps are,
There is no Drupal website with out a block. As a Drupal developer there are certain cases we need to create custom blocks programatically. While working in a project I faced an issue with a custom Drupal block creation in Drupal 6 version. I think some of you also faced the same situation,Custom block creation in Drupal 6 is not a big issue. I think the below code will help to handle the situation.
I have a requirement to post a comment on a Facebook user's timeline from our Drupal website. In submitting a Drupal form, I have to post a comment on Facebook. We need to access Facebook api so we have to download Facebook SDK for PHP. Facebook SDk allows developers to access the Facebook api ie to post the comment on Facebook. Also create an app on Facebook, once you create an app it will generate a Facebook app id and Facebook secret code.
There are certain occasion where we need to customize the submit button as per the requirement, maybe for the visual impact of the site or as per the requirements from the client if you are developer. How to handle this situation ?. This is actually a simple task. Only thing we need to do get the new image for the submit button as suitable and matches for the page inside the Drupal website.
We were working on a Drupal website which was handed to us by one of our Drupal clients. We were required to add a new content type to the Drupal site and create the associated views with it. While working on adding a feature we found that the taxonomy terms (tags) were not appearing on the node page of any content type. If you find that the tags have been missing then read on to know the most likely source of the issue.
In my previous article "How to create a php script to add a new set of category by using existing taxonomy term as reference id in Drupal 6 ?" I have explained upto replacing taxonomy term using term id. In this article replacing taxonomy term using term name and also how to create a crone job for executing the script in regular intervals.
We are all aware about the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Yantex, Bing, etc. will blacklist the sites (In case of websites), if duplicate content has been identified. While we are establishing the business to world, we may require to implement country specific domains and multilingual support in the websites. Nobody will take care of how the search engines consider all those pages.
First of all, Why we need to choose Drupal for implementing multilingual sites?. Drupal 7 is having the flexibility and scalabilty, compared to any other content management systems, online tools and desktop programs. So its very easy to maintain a multilingual site, which is essential for corporate sites.
While cloning a new Drupal project in my local machine using ubuntu terminal, I got an error message like, "WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE!, Permissions 0664 for '/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa' are too open". I found a solution for this type of error like change the file permission of id_rsa file.
As time goes by, demand for anything and everything varies. For some, demand increases were as for others it degrades. Drupal is a platform that varies in reams. Drupal always endeavoured its best to be the one without any match. Thanks to those millions of hands behind the success. Because We Demand It! The latest version of Drupal to see the limelight was 9 Time as well as Drupal urges us to make use of its efforts at best. Let's move on to work with 9.
The Drupal panels helps the admin users / site owners to create a customized theme layout for multiple users in the site. This will help you to integrate with modules and can created the functionalities with the modules that use the panel features and permissions.
The Honeypot modules is a SPAM prevention module that uses a hidden form field to catch SPAM bots from posting onto your Drupal site. This article help to configure the module to work on various forms on your Drupal websites.
Strongarm is a developer and site builder tool which provides an API and a limited UI. The strongarm module allows Drupal persistant variables to be exported and imported via Features modules. In Drupal database,the Variables table stores the configurations and settings a lot of the core modules and contributed modules.The strongarm module is used to store those datas into code.