Stupeflix API is an webservice for developers to generate videose using texts, images and videos. To generate videos using Stupeflix API we need to do the following steps
Drupal Technical
Google AdWords offers a tracking code that allows you to keep track of how well your ads are performing - if someone clicks an ad and ends up at the conversion code, the ad was technically a success. Actually, the AdWords conversion code needs to only go on certain pages not on every page on the website.
I had a chance to work on the Drupal-8 environment with its development version only released. I could able to design a simple site using the same and got stuck with some issues on the flow.The following are some release issue i faced during the design of the same.
This article is for those who are new to Drupal Bootstrap and responsive design. Drupal Bootsrap is a responsive theme you can download it from It is one of the best responsive theme and created using boostrap framework. Creating a sub theme of Bootstrap is explained in another article of mine. This article mainly concentrated about How to use LESS to style bootstrap theme Drupal.
Symfony in Drupal 8 changes the structure to MVC with the help of Symfony. Symfony is an open source framework. It is created using object oriented concepts.
I had a requirement to post videos on a Facebook fan page from our Drupal website. On submitting a Drupal form, I have to post an video on Facebook. We need to access Facebook api so we have to download Facebook SDK for PHP.
Now a days for almost all the website have atleast one read more option. Read more options are mainly for excluding the full content of a text or a paragraph to improve its visibility for the user. By the read more option user gets the freedom to view the full content if the user wants.
User permissions are permissions that allows or restrict the user in accessing a feature. We can define our own permissions in our custom module using the hook_permission() function.
Leaflet is a modern open-source JavaScript library. It can be used for building mobile friendly interactive maps.The following steps should be added before writing any code for the map.
Your wedding is one of the most beautiful occasions in your life, and one of the most important things to do when you get engaged is build a wedding website. Obviously, it is the best and easiest way to share relevant information regarding the event with your guests.
Using Drupal 7.x contributed Rules module we can write conditional actions on events. Conditions can be simple or complex. Here we are going to discuss how to write or configure rules conditional action on event validate commerce payment discount coupon.
SugarCRM is a model for managing a company’s interactions with customers. Sugar on Drupal module can be used for integrating SugarCRM with Drupal. SugarCRM stores the customer information in modular format. Before passing customer details to SugarCRM, if you want to check whether the entry already exists in sugarCRM then read on .
When you test a Drupal website , most of the time you come across the task "Implement Pathauto module" in you website. So before you start testing, you have to build an idea of what is Pathauto module and how you can test it. Pathauto, as its name suggests automatically generates user friendly URLs. Pathauto depends on the core module path, which is used to rename URLs. So please go through the explanation below to understand it more precisely.
I had updated a Drupal site recently and do had faced some issues after successful update of the site. Upgrading a Drupal site is an effective way to make sure that your Drupal site is currently updated with all the latest security updates. Before performing any major changes on your Drupal site, remember to take a complete files and database backup of the site.
Do you have a personal website, or have you ever considered having one? Perhaps, you feel that it is loads of work, or that you don’t have the necessary skills to create a website.It's high time you chuck off these misconceptions and embrace the idea of building a personal website.
In this article I am going to tell you some variety about slide shows that can be integrated to Drupal sites. We use slide shows for good user interface in applications. There is a lot of slide show modules in Drupal.
Infusionsoft is a all-in-one sales and marketing software.One of our client requirement is to integrate Drupal with infusionsoft using infusionsoft API. Steps to implement this as follows
Blocks are the boxes visible on screen.Sometimes it becomes necessary to create custom blocks on site for showing contents.This can be easily implemented by using hooks in drupal.
While working on a Drupal site I came across this issue that if my site is having many feeds and what happens if many users try to access this, which can possibly make our site slow. One of the possible solution is that we could create another domain for our feeds so that users can access the feeds from that domain. Also you can refer the article How to create a custom feed on Drupal 7 site using views to know how to create feeds using views
In one of our Drupal project we had to implement a feature where different background color has to be added for different content. We implemented this by adding an option to pick background color in the content type using Jquery Colorpicker. Read on to know how to implement this feature.