
Extract email address from resumes
| 2 min read
Processing a lot of resumes is a challenge for HR departments. With the right tools at hand, nothing is difficult to achieve. Here is how we extracted the required information from PDF files to process the job applications we received for out digital marketing executive post.
Four Freedoms
| 6 min read
If Zyxware Technologies have to define our philosophy in the shortest possible form, it can be stated as 'committed to Free Software.' In this article, we try to explain what free software is and how our vision is tied to it.
| 1 min read
The Holiday list for the year 2023 is published below for your reference. Every employee shall be allowed in a calendar year a Holiday of one whole day on 26 January 2023, 01 May 2023, 15 August 2023, O2 October 2023 and 9 Festival Holidays. In total we have 13 annual National / Festival holidays. 
Arizona Government Trasformation Office - Results Portal
| 8 min read
This project aims to showcase the results achieved by the Arizona Government Transformation Office (GTO). We have worked closely with the GTO team to implement a visually refreshing, modern design for the portal. In addition to visual and architectural updates, the new website will leverage Drupal 9 to add new functionality to the website to improve the overall user experience and accessibility.
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