
Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
Today, people are looking for free and easy to use content management systems to run their website. Drupal is an open source content management system (CMS) which help users create, structure, and publish content. From a company perspective the priority will be on saving costs and shifting attention back to customers. Here is a useful checklist for developers, to meet the above needs for building a small business website without compromising the quality.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
Smoke testing, the preliminary level of testing is done to ensure whether the major functionalities of a build/software is functioning properly. In simpler words, we can say that it is an entry criteria for ensuring that a software is ready for further testing. Confidence testing, Build Verification Testing are other names for smoke testing. In this type of testing, testers execute test cases based upon the requirement mainly the positive cases. The main functionalities, work flows etc will be tested first.
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| 5 min read
DrupalSouth 2015, the largest Drupal event of the year in Australia, has set a powerful wave in motion – a wave of hopes, dreams, and infinite possibilties for Drupal lovers. There was excitement in the air, as the event, spread over three days, featured numerous inspiring and informative sessions on delivering Drupal projects.
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| 4 min read
Recently, we came across an error - "Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server" while trying to run a new virtual host on our Ubuntu 14.04 machine. The first step to troubleshoot this type of issue would be to check at your Apache error logs as this specific type status can be thrown due to many reasons. Since we have Apache 2.4.7 installed on our system, each virtual host file should have the .conf extension. We corrected the extension also. But the issue was still there. However this information lead us to think on it further and finally we found the reason for the issue.
Zyxware default image1
| 2 min read
The preventDefault() method is used to stop any element form behaving its default behaviour. For example, if we have a hyperlink linked to a particular location. Using preventDefault() function we can restrict it from navigating to it the by a custom location in our javascript. You can use the method isDefaultPrevented to know whether this method was ever called (on that event object).
Zyxware default image4
| 6 min read
CiviCRM is an open source tool which provides a web-based interface for Constituent Relationship Management. The main advantage is that it could be coupled with the Drupal environment (or any other CMS) and used as a Relationship management tool. Using the functionalities we can handle the relationships with the people, households, organizations etc. It also help us to create events, make personalised campaigns, make contributions etc.
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| 6 min read
In Drupal 7 by default we can't send html mail, since Drupal will convert all emails to plain text before sending. This could be overridden using Drupal 7 htmlmail contributed module. We may also need i>mailsystem module for implementing htmlmail, which is a dependency. The module also give html mail template, which could be customized as well in same way of theme templates.
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| 1 min read
E-Commerce testing is a very difficult task. E-commerce websites are very complex in nature. Simulating every possible action of the user is impossible because testers cannot predict the nature the of the customers. With quick change in technology, testers find it difficult to regulate tools or techniques for E-commerce testing. Some of the challenges of E-commerce testing are showing below.
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| 2 min read
Mobile testing have lot of challenges but it is very easy and enjoyable. Instead of testing mobiles manually we can use automation tools like Logcat. By using this tool you can see all log related to Android application. It is possible to check the request to API is correct or not or you can check the unwanted information is send or received. You can also find the performance related issues.
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| 3 min read
In this article you can get an idea about how to share a link to user wall with the uploaded photo in Facebook from Drupal sites. To share a link on Facebook, we need to use the Facebook API so we have to download Facebook SDK for PHP. Facebook SDK allows developers to get access to the Facebook API. First, you need to create an app (, because to reach Facebook we need app id and a secret code.
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| 2 min read
Spike testing is usually done to estimate the weakness of an application and see the dramatic behavior of the system when a sudden increment or decrements in the load by a user. Spike testing is mainly done to see how the system reacts with unexpected rise and fall of the load. It is also called Data volume testing.
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Most people have the notion that a website is a one-time investment, and once it’s up and running, it needs no attention. Like a regular shop, which after being set up, needs proper maintenance - frequent cleaning, painting, occasionally replacing sign boards, broken windows and damaged objects and so on - a website also needs regular maintenance.The more time and expertise you invest into your website, the better it becomes.
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| 2 min read
Flexslider is one of the most popular modules in Drupal to build responsive slideshows. The Drupal flex slider module integrates with flexslider library for creating slideshows. As per user reviews/feedbacks you could notice certain bugs reported mainly cross browser compatibility issues which you may face while integrating this module.
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| 3 min read
Email spamming, in simple words misusing the emails of a website is a common concern today. There are many ways by which this malpractice could be prevented. You might be familiar with 'captcha', one of the method used to prevent spamming. (For test cases for captcha refer:…). Drupal provides some modules like Spambot, Honeypot etc for blocking spam.
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| 3 min read is payment gateway service allowing users to accept credit cards or other payment mode through websites. It allows users to manage transactions, manage payments on the basis of low-cost without any extra transaction fees. deals with many transactions through payment gateway from simple to complex e-commerce products and reports. The only need by a customer to choose an appropriate API suiting your business and transactions and thereby directly creating an account with
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